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Ethics for Arizona Behavioral Health Professionals (3 NBCC Credits)

  • 17 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


This training is designed to provide attendees with increased competency regarding ethical decision making. Common ethical dilemmas such as mandated reporting obligations, dual relationships, and clinical documentation will be addressed along with the emerging ethical considerations presented by increased utilization of telehealth services and social media. Participants will have the opportunity to review and apply relevant codes of ethics, rules, laws, and ethical decision-making models. Focus will be on Arizona regulations. Objectives •Participants will be able to identify and become familiar with sources of behavioral health ethical obligations (codes of ethics, Arizona state regulations, Arizona and Federal statutes,etc). •Participants will understand and practice utilizing ethical decision-making models. •Participants will gain knowledge regarding ethical considerations related to common ethical dilemmas including mandated reporting, technology, and dual relationships. •Participants will improve clinical documentation skills as it relates to ethical best practices. *Before beginning the program, please ensure that you have completed your CBPI account profile including your first and last name as you would like it to appear on your CE certificate (please note this requires completing all sections of the profile, not just your "display name.")

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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